New Book, “Awakened” will be coming out soon!

I will post a link to Amazon that will take you right to my book when it’s completed.

I will be selling hard copies, at all of my fairs starting in April 2025 . See the Event page for dates.

The Book is about my life’s journey as I awakened. 30 chapters of real- life, short stories of my experiences in working with the spirit realm. I take you on a journey of things seen and unseen as I travel from California, Boston, Wisconsin and to small towns in-between.

I’ve been told by others that its a book that is hard to put down! Pick up a copy, and see for yourself. Enjoy!

Marilyn C. Hartley, Murphy

Dare to be Aware Fair


Brookfield Confrence Center

Saturday, April 12, 2025 ( 10am -5 pm )

325 S. Moorland Rd, Brookfield, Wisconsin 53005

Save the Date! Explore! Discover! Feel Good!

Share the day with over a 100 specialists in health and wellness, life coaching and personal growth programs,natural healing herbs, organic items, animal communicators, sound healers, energy workers using quantum healing techniques, Psychic readings, Mediumship readings, clairvoyants, and much more. Free workshops.

I will be offering 15 minute and 30 minute readings and healing sessions today at the fair, with Special Fair pricing!

I will be selling my Book, “Awakened”. It’s based on my life’s journey, and all the experiences I’ve had since I was 8 years old.

Waking up, it’s a trip, and never a dull moment! All true stories, and some stories that will have you sitting up at the edge of your seat, with no embelishments.

Stop by and say Hello, I’m looking forward to meeting you.

Blessings, Marilyn

“Spirit Fairs 2025”

Please join us in our New location in 2025.

Save The Dates: All Saturday’s February 8th, March 22nd and September 13 th, October 25th and November 15th 2025.

Home of the Tri-Fecta Readings-In February we will offer the Tri Fecta Readings once again! This is where you will receive a 5 minute or 10 minute reading, with 3 different people, for a different perspective. You can purchase a $30.00 or $60.00 package. These will be available from (11:00-1:00) on February 8th.

Sign up at Marilyn Murphy’s Table for the Tri-Fecta Readings. Please have Cash $10s and $20’s to pay each reader. Thank you!

Nicos Pizzeria Pub and Grill, 9638 W. National Ave, West Allis, Wisconsin 53227.

Just in case they don’t have the New sign- up , It is set back, off of National Ave. Big parking lot out front, next to a Bike shop.

Party Room-11:00-4:00- Free Admission

Grab a friend and stop in for a reading and lunch. The food is great! Ask about the Fair Specials!

“Win A Free Reading”-Buy any lunch item, Print your Name and Phone Number on the back of the receipt and drop it into the Red Bag on the Hall table, inside the Party Room. I will notify the winner after the fair. Good Luck!

With all of life’s challenges going on right now, it is our pleasure to help you move forward and shine a light on your path. Let us help you understand what’s happening and why? Come see what 2025 holds in store for you.

We have 7 gifted readers who will be sharing their wisdom with you in February. The readers will vary with each fair throughout our season.

We invite you to look at the front hall table. We will have a photo and Bio of each reader. Choose who you feel drawn to and sign up at their table. Each reader sets their own prices. Cash is preferred for readings. Range for readings vary $40.00-$65.00.

We have Psychic Mediums, Clairvoyants, Soul readings, Past life readings, Chakra readings, Aura readings, Tree readings, Tarot Card readers, Angel Card readers, Past life readings, and Channeled messages from Spirit and Animal communication.

Readers for February

  1. Jill Marie-Animal Communication, Aura readings, and Mediumship
  2. Steve Polifka- Medium and Tarot reader
  3. Misty Moon-Astrology and Tarot Cards
  4. Marilyn Murphy -Psychic Medium, Clairvoyant, Teacher, Healer and Author, offering Channeled messages from Spirit today
  5. Bob Harrington-Tree Readings, and Intuitive readings.
  6. Lynette Cortsen- Mediumship , Tarot and Oracle card readings, Healer, Author.

Explore’s Unite

Saturday, February 1, 2025

1:00-3:00 p.m. Cost: $ 35.00

Call to RSVP- 414-530-5477. Directions will be given at that time, Wauwatosa area.

We will be Astro Traveling to various places around the world tonight, through a guided meditation. We as a group will choose where we want to travel and explore.

This is a fun way to explore new places with a group!

Healing Drumming Circle

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Come and enjoy a relaxing afternoon of Healing and sharing ( 1:00-3:00)

If you have a Drum, rattle, flute or any instruments, please bring them with you.  We will be making some beautiful music together before doing our sacred work. If you don’t have anything to play, no worries, we will share, so everyone has a turn to play. Enjoy this beautiful music that we will make together, as the energy takes on a beautiful form all of it’s own.

Start thinking about what intention you would like to set for your personal healing.

Please call (414)530-5477 to R.S.V.P and to get directions.  Space is limited so please call early.   Cost: $40.00
